Who is going?


'I'm going back to Mexico as part of the ReBuild trip because I enjoyed it last year. The day we handed over the keys was really touching." - Becca (youth)

"I am going to Mexico as part of the ReBuild trip because I would love to be able to bless a family who would not otherwise have a home and I also love to help those who are in need in any way that I can. :)" - Sarah (youth)

"I am going to Mexico as part of the ReBuild project because I have a passion for giving to those who do not have much, and wish to do exactly that in Mexico!" - Beth (youth)

"I am going back to Mexico as part of the ReBuild trip because what I saw earlier this year broke my heart. To see God's children living in such poverty really put my life into perspective. I already had a passion for helping people but since the experience that myself and the rest of the team shared earlier this year that passion has really grown and become an uncontrollable desire, a need to help those who are less fortunate than myself." - Matt (youth)

Youth Leaders:

"I am going to Mexico as part of the ReBuild project because I have a heart for tackling inequality and this is a very practical demonstration of loving our neighbours who have much less than we do. Bringing the Father's heart to our brothers and sisters in another land so different from our own." - Kathy (youth leader)

"I am going to Mexico as part of the ReBuild trip because I want to make a difference to a family for whom life is incredibly tough. I want them to know that we care and that God loves them more than they could ever understand. They matter and are not just a statistic." - Paula (youth leader)

"Having seen the poverty in Mexico first hand last year I want to go back and try and make a difference to another family's lives." - Mike (youth leader)

"I'm going back to Mexico as part of the ReBuild trip because the idea that there are children living in conditions so bad it's beyond our imagination gives me a passion to do something about it. It won't change the world but it will change a family's world." - Amy (youth leader)

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